Small Business Marketing During This Pandemic

Posted On: March 17, 2020

We are in the midst of a most unprecedented event. Right now, everything out there is about COVID-19. So how can you properly and sensitively market your brand at a time of such uncertainty? Small businesses need to make smart choices and consider a number of factors,... Read More

Small Business Saturday is November 25

Posted On: November 13, 2017

Whenever I visit a local retailer I often ask myself why I don’t visit more often.  The experience is always a great one, and I’m also helping the local economy. So this holiday season, visit a small business in your area and be reminded of what personal service... Read More

Get More Influence Online By Going Offline

Posted On: April 3, 2017

Social media and other online networks, forums and meet-ups all provide a great way to connect with others regardless of geographic locations.  Online networking receives so much attention in today’s always-connected technology-filled world that many people... Read More

A Small Business Guide to Content Marketing

Posted On: September 30, 2015

“Content marketing” is a buzzword that you’ve probably heard thrown around on the web and social media sites.   What exactly is content marketing and why is it important for small businesses? Basically content marketing is creation and delivery of valuable... Read More

Pack a Punch with BOTH Traditional and Online Marketing

Posted On: June 11, 2014

One of the most common questions I get asked is “What’s the best way for me to market my business and products?”  And my answer is:  “That depends…. on your industry, target customers, location, business, products and services!” Today the buzz is... Read More