Since 1984 we’ve supplied thousands of large and small loyal customers with quality, affordable imprinted products. We began with a focus on the independent insurance agency. Since that time we’ve expanded to other industries and expanded our products and services to include promotional products and a comprehensive suite of marketing services.
Our customers tell us that we provide an exceptional buying experience and they’ve rewarded us with their loyalty. If you are new to us, we promise to service your business with great care and consideration. And, we want you to be satisfied with our service and products, so we offer a 100% money back guarantee.
Give us the opportunity to quote on any of your printing requirements. We are confident you will find us competitive. Beyond price, our customers have come to rely on us for our experience, personal service, and quality. We believe that you will too. We want to hear from you. Feel free to call Pat, the owner of Multi Print and Digital, at any time to share your ideas. We look forward to working with you!

Choosing the right print and marketing partner can be key to opening up new opportunities and improving your profits. Whether you need something as simple as a new business card, or a comprehensive marketing plan or Internet campaigns, Multi Print and Digital can help your business stand out.